segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

Facebook and Mondelez Are Marketing BFFs, but They Do Compete for Talent - Adweek

Facebook and Mondelez Are Marketing BFFs, but They Do Compete for Talent - Adweek | marketing - Google News | September 28, 2015 at 02:10PM


Facebook and Mondelez Are Marketing BFFs, but They Do Compete for Talent
Even for a marketing panel, it was unusually kumbaya—until the topic turned to the fractious subject of tech talent. When Facebook exec Carolyn Everson began her Advertising Week session about mobile video Monday morning, she threw quite a bouquet in ...

September 28, 2015 at 02:10PM | marketing - Google News
Facebook and Mondelez Are Marketing BFFs, but They Do Compete for Talent - Adweek
marketing - Google News

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