sábado, 1 de junho de 2019

How U.S. Marketers Are Losing The Key Opinion Leader and Influencer Battle - Forbes

How U.S. Marketers Are Losing The Key Opinion Leader and Influencer Battle - Forbes | "marketing" - Google News | June 01, 2019 at 10:16PM
How U.S. Marketers Are Losing The Key Opinion Leader and Influencer Battle  Forbes

After traveling to China, I was struck by a significant difference in the way in which they think about marketing. I interviewed a number of C-level executives and across every interview, there was a pattern that emerged. Each individual talked about leveraging KOLs—key opinion leaders—as a central element of their marketing plan. What struck me is that after having interviewed hundreds of marketing experts from the west, I’ve not heard such a focus. While marketers in the west will readily talk about advertising or promotion, they rarely emphasize influencers as a priority (although in fai...

June 01, 2019 at 10:16PM | "marketing" - Google News
How U.S. Marketers Are Losing The Key Opinion Leader and Influencer Battle - Forbes
"marketing" - Google News

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