terça-feira, 27 de março de 2018

Advertisers didn't leave YouTube, and they won't leave Facebook - Marketing Land

Advertisers didn't leave YouTube, and they won't leave Facebook - Marketing Land | marketing - Google News | March 27, 2018 at 04:33PM

Marketing Land

Advertisers didn't leave YouTube, and they won't leave Facebook
Marketing Land
For years, commentators have told us that young people or those concerned about privacy were deleting their accounts. Despite the dire warnings, Facebook continues to grow. Performance-crippling regulation. Facebook ads didn't always work well. Five ...
Is it safe to use Facebook? Marketing professor says no need to stopWKOW
The shady data-gathering tactics used by Cambridge Analytica were an open secret to online marketers. I know ...The Verge
Facebook's Carolyn Everson goes on the defensiveAdAge.com
Facebook Newsroom -Ars Technica
all 3,230 news articles »

March 27, 2018 at 04:33PM | marketing - Google News
Advertisers didn't leave YouTube, and they won't leave Facebook - Marketing Land
marketing - Google News

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