sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019

Marketing to the managed inbox: Why digital marketers need to own deliverability - Marketing Land

Marketing to the managed inbox: Why digital marketers need to own deliverability - Marketing Land | "marketing" - Google News | May 31, 2019 at 03:13PM
Marketing to the managed inbox: Why digital marketers need to own deliverability  Marketing Land

Today’s digital marketers are facing unprecedented dilemmas when it comes to email marketing. Over the past 25 years, the adoption of email for personal and business use led to an increased volume of “batch-and-blast” emails. Illegal spam tactics targeting email users became more frequent and left users overwhelmed by managing their inboxes. In turn, email marketers noticed a change in how customer interact with their emails. By the late 2000s, email marketers began to doubt whether email would continue to be an effective marketing channel. Today we are kicking off a weeks-long focus on ema...

May 31, 2019 at 03:13PM | "marketing" - Google News
Marketing to the managed inbox: Why digital marketers need to own deliverability - Marketing Land
"marketing" - Google News

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