domingo, 26 de junho de 2016

Don't fall for 'shopper's exhilaration' and other marketing-induced emotions -

Don't fall for 'shopper's exhilaration' and other marketing-induced emotions - | marketing - Google News | June 26, 2016 at 04:10PM

Don't fall for 'shopper's exhilaration' and other marketing-induced emotions
These people are exhibiting signs of marketing-induced shopper's hysteria. RAWPIXEL/123RF. These people are exhibiting signs of marketing-induced shopper's hysteria. The feeling was followed immediately by a mild wave of self-disgust. Imagine a grown ...

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June 26, 2016 at 04:10PM | marketing - Google News
Don't fall for 'shopper's exhilaration' and other marketing-induced emotions -
marketing - Google News

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